Type: Ring/Pharynx interneuron
Male Wiring Project:
In Wormbase: RIP, RIPL, RIPR
Lineage: AB alpapaaaa, AB arappaaaa
Location: Head
Description: Anterior processes of RIP neurons run in the lateral labial process bundles and enter the pharynx close to its anterior end. Gap junctions between RIPL/R neurons and the pharyngeal I1's, as well as possible gap junctions between RIPL/R and the pharyngeal motor neuron, M1 constitute the only connection between the pharyngeal nervous system and the somatic nervous system.
Neurotransmitter/ Neuropeptide:
Innexin expression:
- INX-4
- UNC-9
(Altun et al, 2009)
Receptor expression:
- Only connection between the phrayngeal and somatic nervous systems. In intact worms light touch sensed by the extrapharyngeal touch cells briefly inhibits pumping. When RIPs are ablated pharyngeal pumping becomes unresponsive to light touch (Avery and Thomas, 1997). |